
Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends is a small voluntary group made up of Holly Thompson, Alison Debnam and Vicky Carter who organise regular fundraising events throughout the school year, enhancing children's curriculum in school and building happy memories.   

All parents are automatically members of Parents & Friends and are very welcome to join the meetings and help out where they can at the different fundraisers organised. Grandparents are also more than welcome to get involved with their grandchildren's school.  You don’t have to commit to a specific role just come along when you can to our informal meetings (dates of which can be obtained from the office or from Holly, Ali or Vicky. Everyone is always welcome to join us for a tea, coffee and occasionally, even a biscuit! Anyone can suggest how money raised is spent and the Committee will vote on whether such requests are reasonable. Usually suggestions/requests for purchases/activities are approved – the only suggestion turned down in the past was leasing a minibus: it was decided it was unsustainable with annual income as it is at present.

We have two major events each year, our summer fair and the Christmas fair, both of which are much loved by parents and children of the school.  We also run small events such as themed discos, table top sales, non uniform days, seasonal trails, sale tables after school and mini activities for the children to get involved in.  All of these events culminatively allow us to spend money on the children funding trips, shows, Christmas presents and allows us to provide essential equipment needed for classrooms and playgrounds.  Our most recent purchase was a new shed for the newly refurbished playground.

So, what are you waiting for, come and join the team and make a difference to your child's learning!

Breage C of E Primary School
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