

At Breage C of E VA Primary School, we believe that our primary function as a school is to prepare children for life, through learning but also through becoming active and independent members of society who are willing to make a contribution and aware of the impact of their decisions on themselves and others.
Consequently, we believe that it is our duty to equip children with skills, strategies, attitudes and knowledge which will enable them to access and benefit from new learning at every stage of their lives, as well as to develop and maintain healthy relationships with others and adopt healthy lifestyles.
At Breage C of E School we use the SCARF PSHE scheme. Please find a link to the SCARF website below:
SCARF programmes are aligned with the National Curriculum guidance as detailed in the link below:
SCARF provides a comprehensive spiral curriculum for PSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing. Using SCARF across all age groups ensures progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.
Class teachers use SCARF resources to plan and adapt each lesson to meet the needs of the children in their class, including those with SEND. 
Our PSHE curriculum follows six units of study, each unit is revisited each year to enable progression in skills, knowledge and understanding. 
The six units are:
Me & My Relationships
Valuing Difference
Keeping Myself Safe
Rights & Respect
Being My Best 
Growing & Changing 

Breage C of E Primary School
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