At Breage CE School, we have carefully crafted a writing curriculum that is designed to equip our children with the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to become confident, articulate, and imaginative writers. Recognising the unique context of our small, rural school community, we have adopted a strategic approach that prioritises the development of core transcription skills alongside a robust understanding of grammar and punctuation.
Our writing curriculum is firmly grounded in the National Curriculum, ensuring that our children acquire the essential knowledge and skills required for success. However, we have gone beyond the minimum expectations, crafting a programme that is truly aspirational and tailored to the specific needs of our pupils.
Given the high proportion of children with SEND and from disadvantaged backgrounds, we understand the importance of building a strong foundation in the basics of writing. By adopting the Grammarsaurus programme, we are able to provide our children with a structured and systematic approach to developing their grasp of key grammatical concepts and punctuation rules. This, in turn, frees up their cognitive resources to focus on the higher-order skills of composition, enabling them to express their ideas with clarity, creativity, and confidence.
Complementing the Grammarsaurus programme, we have also incorporated the Morells handwriting scheme, which places a strong emphasis on the development of fluent and legible letter formation. This ensures that our children are able to transcribe their thoughts and ideas efficiently, without the hindrance of poor handwriting skills.
Whole School Aims
Our writing curriculum is fully aligned with the school's vision and values, which are centred on "Learning for life, caring for all." By equipping our children with the fundamental skills and knowledge they need to become effective communicators, we are empowering them to flourish in the real world and engage meaningfully with their communities.
The school's core values of happiness, respect, care, forgiveness, friendship, and honesty are woven throughout our writing curriculum, as we encourage our children to express themselves with empathy, consideration, and a strong sense of moral purpose.
Subject Vision
At Breage CE School, we believe that the ability to communicate effectively through the written word is a vital life skill that underpins success across the curriculum and beyond. Our writing curriculum is designed to nurture a love of language, a deep understanding of its mechanics, and the confidence to use it as a tool for self-expression, problem-solving, and creative exploration.
By prioritising the development of fundamental transcription skills and a robust grasp of grammar and punctuation, we are laying the groundwork for our children to become fluent, imaginative, and articulate writers. As they progress through the curriculum, we will support them in honing their compositional skills, enabling them to craft engaging narratives, persuasive arguments, and informative texts that reflect their growing knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
This vision aligns closely with the school's improvement priorities, particularly the focus on curriculum development and closing the gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding. By ensuring that our children have a secure foundation in the core components of writing, we are empowering them to access the broader curriculum with confidence and to develop a deep, lasting appreciation for the power of the written word.