
PE & Sport

Our Intent 

It is our intent that PE, sport and physical activity inspires, engages and challenges all pupils at Breage School, and that our curriculum is accessible to all, allowing every child to flourish. We endeavour to provide our pupils with a wide breadth of physical opportunities, as well as sports, so that they are able to find those which they connect with, empowering them to live a healthy, active life. We aim for all children to develop the core skills needed to succeed in sports and physical activities, allowing them to prosper as individuals who have learned the physical literacy needed to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. 

We aspire to provide all pupils with the understanding of the importance of physical education and keeping healthy, coupling this with the learning of important life-skills, such as teamwork and resilience, and the knowledge of how they can use physical activity to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  


Our Aim 

At Breage School, it is our aim to ensure that every child, including those with SEND, have access to a wide range of physical opportunities. A broad P.E. curriculum has been designed so that every child will gain access to their statutory entitlement, and more. Each child from Year 1 to Year 6 will have swimming lessons, ensuring the aim of every child being able to swim at least 25m by the end of Year 6. We aim that every child has the opportunity to represent their school in a sporting, or physical, endeavour and that they are given the chance to find the activity they flourish in. 


Breage C of E Primary School
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